Sunday, January 3, 2010

Off to WAIS!

Hello there, friends and family.  This will be my last post for awhile, unless I figure out a way to remotely upload posts to my blogger.  I'm flying out tomorrow morning to WAIS (Western Antarctic Ice Sheet) Divide, the biggest field camp where they drill thousands-of-years-old ice cores.  Our only internet capabilities will be text-only email, so I can't get on the internet, or even email pictures or anything.  Our internet is only available for a few hours a day, when the satellite is visible to our camp! (crazy, eh?)  I had some hesitancy about going out there because I'll be gone for 2-4 weeks and let's face it, I'm gonna miss Josh.  I feel a little guilty that his job doesn't let him travel as much as mine does, so I'm going to try and have enough fun for the both of us.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year, and get crackin' on those resolutions!


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